- benzeen
- прил.
хим. бензол
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Tobacco packaging warning messages — Smoking warning on the back of a cigarette pack, in Australia Tobacco packaging warning messages are health warning messages that appear on the packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products. They have been implemented in an effort to enhance … Wikipedia
Yehuda Poliker — (born December 25, 1950) is an Israeli pop rock singer songwriter and a musician, born to Greek Jewish immigrants in Israel. His music combines rock with Greek and other Mediterranean musical styles. He plays several instruments such as guitar,… … Wikipedia
aminobenzene — /əˌminoʊˈbɛnzin/ (say uh.meenoh benzeen) noun → aniline (def. 1) …
azobenzene — /ˌæzoʊˈbɛnzin/ (say .azoh benzeen), / bɛnˈzin/ (say ben zeen) noun an orange red crystalline substance, C6H5N=NC6H5, obtained from nitrobenzene by reduction in an alkaline solution …
benzene — /ˈbɛnzin / (say benzeen), /bɛnˈzin / (say ben zeen) noun a colourless, volatile, flammable, liquid, aromatic hydrocarbon, C6H6, obtained chiefly from coal tar, and used as a solvent and in chemical synthesis. {benz + ene} …
benzene ring — /bɛnzin ˈrɪŋ/ (say benzeen ring) noun the graphic representation of the structure of benzene as a hexagon with a carbon atom at each of its points. Each carbon atom is linked to one atom of hydrogen, and the delocalised pi electron system is… …
benzine — /ˈbɛnzin / (say benzeen), /bɛnˈzin / (say ben zeen) noun 1. a colourless, volatile, flammable liquid, a mixture of various hydrocarbons, obtained in the distillation of petroleum, and used in cleaning, dyeing, etc. 2. Chiefly US → petrol. {benz + …
dichlorobenzene — /ˌdaɪklɔroʊˈbɛnzin/ (say .duyklawroh benzeen) noun → paradichlorobenzene …
dinitrobenzene — /daɪˌnaɪtroʊˈbɛnzin/ (say duy.nuytroh benzeen), / bɛnˈzin/ (say ben zeen) noun one of three isomeric compounds, C6H4(NO2)2, the most important of which is made by nitration of benzene or nitrobenzene and used in the manufacture of azo dyes. {di 1 …
hexachlorobenzene — /hɛksəklɔrəˈbɛnzin/ (say heksuhklawruh benzeen) noun any of the isomers of the formula C6Cl6, certain of which were formerly used as an agricultural fungicide but are now thought to be carcinogenic and no longer used in Australia. Abbrev.: HCB… …
hydroxybenzene — /haɪˌdrɒksiˈbɛnzin/ (say huy.droksee benzeen) noun → phenol (def. 1) …